Home Remedies for Insect Bites

Home Remedies for Insect Bites

Just about the time we start REALLY enjoying the beautiful summer-like weather in late spring, those tiny little vampires arrive--Mosquitos. Each spring, just before they arrive, Nick and I always seem to have the same conversation: "Hey, the mosquitos aren't here...
Naturally Balance Your Hormones

Naturally Balance Your Hormones

Hormones. Doesn’t it make the hair on the back of your neck stand up (especially for you fellas that live with us ladies)? Hormones can be really frustrating and a huge blessing also (when they are balanced properly). And I’m sure you’re all familiar with the saying,...

Simple Natural Remedy - Rocket Fuel

When anyone in our family gets a head cold, flu, sore throat, or similar ailments, we throw a number of weapons at it.  One of our first lines of defense is herbal essential oils like the On-Guard blend.  They are SO easy to use and effective as well. But we find it's...
Natural Fungal Toe Nail Recipe

Natural Fungal Toe Nail Recipe

Dealing with fungus in the toe or finger nails can be quite difficult. I have known many people who have struggled with this issue and tried, what seems like, everything- yet that fungus remained. The one thing that I have seen work, albeit slowly, is sea water. One...
Old Fashioned Postpartum Remedy

Old Fashioned Postpartum Remedy

A couple of months ago, we had our first child! The joy of finally meeting the bright little face that had been in obscurity for so long fails of finding words to describe. Still months later, we are enjoying every blessed minute of this precious little life. But this...
The Deadliest Pandemic Part 1

The Deadliest Pandemic Part 1

This is the story of a pandemic that many in our history would like to forget. But it contains a lesson that we must take to heart today. His name: Dr. Roy The year: 1918 The location: Camp Devens, Massachusetts The assignment: Impossible Working from his waking...