by Craig Meissner | Off Grid Location
Our previous installments of this series (Part 1 & Part 2) have been looking at specific things to look for in land or a homestead, but we've also been getting questions about "where?" What is the "best" location? If I determine that I need to move, where...
by Craig Meissner | Off Grid Location
Did you see Part 1 of this series? Check it out here: Part 1: Water When looking to purchase land or a homestead, food is crucial. You really need to consider how suitable the land is for growing food. Is the general location and the specific piece of land suitable...
by Craig Meissner | Off Grid Location
It's an exciting adventure, and at the same time it's also a bit intimidating. Let's face it, relocating is a big undertaking. BUT, it's very feasible as long as you do your homework ahead of time. That's where this series of posts comes in. We are going to walk you...
by Craig Meissner | Off Grid Heat
Collecting firewood is more involved than just cutting trees down, cutting them up and stacking them for use in a wood stove. Here is some very important information to follow when gathering firewood. 1. Burn only well seasoned firewood Seasoned firewood comes from...
by Craig Meissner | Off Grid Heat
Chimney fires are not necessary when you take the proper precautions. When heating with wood one of the most important safety precautions to take is to keep creosote build-up from occurring in the chimney/stove pipe. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)...