Homestead Skills Collection


This amazing collection covers a variety of essential homesteading skills.

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The Homestead Skills Collection includes an assortment of incredibly practical videos on numerous homesteading topics.

This 6-DVD set includes the following titles:


Wood Cook Stoves

Getting Started With Wood Cook Stoves

The most versatile way to heat with wood is using a modern Amish made wood cook stove.  With one fire, you can not only heat your home, but also heat your hot water and cook & bake your food--all with one fire.  Our DVD Getting Started With Wood Cook Stoves shows you how to properly use and get the most out of your stove.  It covers everything from choosing the right wood to the nuts and bolts of how to actually cook with wood cook stove.


Deal With Fire On The Homestead

Dealing With Fire On The Homestead

When living in a rural area, it is especially important to prevent a home fire, since it could take a while for the fire department to arrive.  In our DVD Dealing With Fire On The Homestead, a rural fire chief walks you through the important precautions you need to know about.  In addition, anyone who heats with wood should be aware of several common sense rules that make a chimney fire all but obsolete.  But what if the unthinkable happens and you have a fire?  What do you do?  You'll learn straight from the fire chief's mouth what your best course of action is.  Even wildland fires are covered in this important presentation.


The Lost Art Of Natural Remedies: HydrotherapyThe Lost Art Of Natural Remedies:  Hydrotherapy

All the other things we've mentioned are of little use if you are incapacitated from sickness.  I believe we may see more and more superbugs in the days ahead, perhaps similar to the Spanish Flu of 1918.  And while there is a lot of attention given to the benefits of herbal remedies, there is another modality that is largely untapped and is incredibly helpful.  In fact, as best we can tell from historical records, it is one of the only treatments that was very successful in dealing with the 1918 Spanish Flu.  I'm talking about hydrotherapy--the use of water externally on the body, often using a contrast of hot and cold.  What could be a simpler remedy than water?  But we have found it to be incredibly effective when dealing with sickness. In fact, I think I'm safe in saying that while we certainly do use herbs, these little-known hydrotherapy treatments are our most used first line option when dealing with many health related concerns.  You'll learn all about it in our DVD/e-book combo, The Lost Art Of Natural Remedies: Hydrotherapy.   The DVD demonstrates each step of each treatment so you can see it in action, while the printable e-book (PDF format) presents important details.


Tools For Country LivingTools For Country Living

Tools For Country Living walks you through an experienced homesteader's tool room and demonstrates what to look for and what sort of useful tools you might find at a yard sale for little to nothing.  Most of these tools are low tech non electric hand tools that are incredibly useful on any homestead.


Springhead DevelopmentSpringhead Development

Then of course, there is water--perhaps the king of all the necessities.  While most folks realize that being on a municipal water system is not a good idea, they don't think about the fact that most folks living in the county have a well and that well does them no good when the power is down (thank to the electric pump).  But while there are ways to set up a well independently, there's an often forgotten water source that used to be extremely common years ago--springs.  Thanks to springs naturally pushing their water out of the ground without a pump, they can present some great options for water independence, such as a gravity flow system.  But it all starts with a good spring, properly developed, protected from surface contamination, and channeled into a pipe.  How do you do that?  Our DVD Springhead Development demonstrates in real life how to do it using a time tested method developed by a man with many springheads under his belt.


Urban DangerUrban Danger

While it's an important necessity to learn the nuts and bolts of homesteading, sometimes it really helps to just take a tour of homesteads where folks are actually implementing various aspects of this lifestyle.  That's exactly what you'll find in our epic DVD Urban Danger.  Not only will you get to tour a wide variety of homesteads and see how they do things, you'll find it to be quite inspirational to see the impact this lifestyle has had on their lives.  This is also a great DVD for sharing with folks you care about if you are hoping they will consider making a transition in this direction.